Sunday, August 22, 2010

3 months old

Blake you are 3 months old!! Daddy, Brayden and I are just having so much fun with you. Everyday it seems like you grow... in size and development. You are such an easy going baby. Perfect I must admit. You smile all the time and love cooing. You are so aware that you following Brayden around the room with your eyes. I thank God everyday for blessing me with you! Here are a few things you are doing at 3 months.
* During the day you nurse every 3 hours.
* You are sleeping at night from 8:30 to 5:30. You have been starting to not want to go back to bed at 5:30. You are so happy that you just start cooing and smiling away at me. I love it, but I have to admit I need more sleep. When I get done feeding you Daddy's alarm clock goes off for him to get up and you join me in bed so I can get another hour and a half sleep before your brother wakes up.
* You are great at making eye contact, and love it when people pay attention to you, rewarding them with your sweet smiles.
* You talk up a storm. It is so precious to hear you little sounds
* You are so close to belly laughing. I get a little giggles here and there but no belly laugh yet... I know this will be very soon.
* You are doing awesome at tummy time. Your neck is getting so strong.
* The not so fun part you are still doing is spitting up... you stopped for 4 days and I thought you were done with it, but nope... sometimes you are a little fountain. Bibs are worn constantly by you as well as burb cloths :) But I still love you!!!

fascintated with the camera

Blake let me just tell you your brother LOVES you so much. Everyday inbetween playing he will come over and give you a kiss and make you smile. Before nap and bedtime he needs to say goodnight to you. He takes such good care of you. When you are crying he puts your paci in and when you spit up he wipes your face. I can not tell you how much love and happiness that comes over me when I see you guys together. Brayden is such a good big brother to you.

Blake looking at daddy, but love this of Brayden

now Brayden is looking at daddy and Blake is looking at the camera! :) oh well they are still so cute

Hugs for Blake!

Cabin Weekend

A little late but..... 2 weekends ago we went up to my parents cabin to escape the 110+ degree weather. Elmon, Brittany, Addison and my mom came with us. I just absolutely love it up there and always do not want to come back. There is just something so refreshing about the woods and hiking and just sitting out on the deck admiring Gods creation. One of the mornings Brayden woke up early so Daddy and Brayden went for a cruise to the RIM. Eric just captured some pretty cool shots of Brayden. And from the sound of it brayden was telling Eric "cheese daddy" when he wanted daddy to take a picture of him. Oh Brayden you are just such a sweetie and talking soooo much now. It is so fun to carry on a conversation with you, even on the ride home when you were telling on daddy...uh oh we might be in trouble :)

Looking at the view.. good thing i wasnt there for this.. even the picture freaks me out... it is super cute but goodness too close!

So pretty


Here are some pictures of little Blake.

BIG smile

So big

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Why does vacations always go so fast??!!! And why cant I live in San Diego??!! :) This past weekend Eric and I took a family trip to California. He surprised me by telling me that was were we were going for my birthday but since I am still nursing we decided to make it a family trip. It was nice because we really do not take many of these. Friday we spent the day driving and getting settled in.

Walking at Sea port

On Saturday we went to Sea Port Village for lunch. As we were walking around Eric really wanted to take a tour of the Ship they have there. It was really neat to see the inside and be up on the flight deck. Holy cow was it huge.

Daddy and Brayden inside the ship

Checking out all the cool buttons

Blake full of smiles

After the tour we went to the beach. Brayden loved playing in the sand, especially with his new sand truck that he asked his daddy for in the store. It is so funny how he is talking now and asking us for things. Also, it is very hard for us to say no to his cute smile after he asks. We might be introuble!!

On Sunday we went to the San diego Zoo. Let me just say it puts our Zoo to shame. You could actually see all the animals up close! Brayden loved being able to walk up to the fences. He kept saying "let me see" "let me see" At one time he even started a conversation with this one couple on how the alligator was going to bite him! (thanks to daddy) it was so cute. Blake did great in the stroller. I kinda felt bad for him on this trip because we were so busy he lived in the car seat or stroller, but he did great. We are making up for it today by cuddling with him all day!

My Sweet baby boy

Looking at the animals

HAHAHA love this

Sunday night Eric took me to this really nice restaurant were i tried crab legs for the first time! After figuring out how to break them apart it was fun! Monday we went to the outlets and drove home. It was a sad day because I did not want to come home. I seriously was ready to set up house in California.... Maybe one of these days we will get a place there... time share... something because it was BEAUTIFUL!

Last Day :( Playing in the fountain

loved walking on the wall with daddy's help

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Visited Papa for lunch

Today the kids and I went to visit Papa during work. I have neat memories of visiting my dad at the fire station when I was younger and want to pass that down to my kids. Brayden is obsessed with cars/trucks... so he was very excited to see "papa's trucks". Everytime he saw a new fire truck he would go "OOOOOO" He loved pushing all the buttons, some of them were ok to push and others, well not so ok. :) He set off the siren which made us all jump so high. It was so loud in the garage. Brayden will never forget that. All the way home he was telling me about what happened when he pushed the button and made the siren noise. After lunch Brayden, Anna, and Papa colored on the dry erase board and had fun racing around the room. Overall, it was a great day spent with papa!

Checking things out

Love it!

"Say cheese guys" "smile" "ok, please just look at the camera!!!" :)

Papa and Brayden going down the slide. He LOVED it!

Papa and Anna going down the slide

Blake being good as always

Papa with all his grandchildren

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Visiting MiMa and Pops

Today we went to visit Erics grandparents in Maricopa. To the kids its MiMa and Pops :) We picked up MiMi and away we went. As soon as Brayden walked in the door he gave hugs and found the toy basket that they fill with toys when we come to visit. They are so sweet! We ate lunch with them and then Brayden watched a Elmo movie on Pops lap. In between watching the movie and playing, Brayden finds MiMi's Ipad and plays games with her. Brayden, you absolutely love playing on the ipad. MiMi has way better games on hers then your mommy, so it is always a treat when you see MiMi. You even always ask her for the Ipad, right when you see her. It is quite commical. While Brayden was busy playing with Pops and Mimi, Blake got some snuggle time with MiMa. He is such a sweetie. I am very blessed to have 2 such sweet, handsome boys!

Smile brayden :) the kids with MiMa... Blake you would not take your eyes off the fan :)

Brayden and Pops

Sitting with MiMi and the IPAD :)

Blake loving life

Oh Brayden, you turn 2 and think you dont have to smile for pictures :)You silly boy

MiMi and Blake

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cabin Fun

This past weekend Eric, the boys and I went up to my parents cabin. We had a blast with Nana, Papa and Brad, Holli and Anna. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. 65 degrees during the day and a rainstorm every afternoon. Besides seeing the snow covered trees, I would have to say one of my favorite things about the cabin is sitting on the deck watching the storms come in. It is crazy to see the rain move down the mountain/trees. And it POURS! aww missing it already. My second favorite thing is the hikes we go on. On Saturday, after breakfast the whole gang got ready for our hike. Eric and Brad took my Dad's pilarus out with the kids and lead the way for us walkers! This was nice for the kids cause they love riding on the "truck" but also for Holli and I because we get a break and get to go for walks too! :) I carried Blake in the moby. Something I definitely need to get better at. He was comfortable but I wasnt because I knew i did it wrong and he didnt look like the babies in the pictures :) We saw deer on our hike, luckly no other wildlife! :) We made it back right before the rain started coming down. The rest of the day we just relaxed. We celebrated my birthday that night with dinner/ spaghetti and peach cobbler on the coals. YUM! The next day Brad, Holli, Eric and I took Brayden and Anna on a pilarus ride. We went to a look out area my parents told us about that they explored the day before. It was very cold, but the kids loved it, even with mud getting on their face. We saw 6 deer again on this ride and drove through the clouds which was neat. Due to the weather we couldnt really see anything, so we will definitely have to do it again sometime.

It has been so neat to watch Brayden and Anna grow up together, but this trip really showed how close they have become. They are lost without the other. If one is sleeping the other can not wait for them to get up. Apart from the sharing issue the kids get along great.
Brayden: You had a blast running on the deck, playing baseball, kicking the soccer ball, blowing bubbles, watching the rain, playing in the creek and sitting in your chair with the rest of us on the deck. You LOVE to be outside. Your favorite thing about the cabin is definitely riding Papa's Pilarus!

Blake: You also had a blast at the cabin. You had many people that held you and loved on you. You smiled at everyone and cooed away. You went on your first hike, with many more to come. Brayden and Anna showed you so much attention and cant wait for you to play with them. I think you felt the same because everytime they came up to talk to you, you would get so excited and would start moving your whole body. You are just so easy going and sweet I just love it. Your favorite thing you did at the cabin was SLEEP! That fresh air just knocked you out. You have been starting to stay awake more at home, but not at the cabin. You relaxed :)