Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My baby is 4 months.....

So I am off a couple of days but you just had your doctors appt yesterday so I needed to get all your new measurements first!

*You weigh 15 pounds 12 ounces, 26.5 inches long and your head circumference is 17 inches. You are growing beautifully being in the 75% for head and weight and 90% for length.
*Eyes are still blue and getting lighter... are you going to have the same ones as your brother?!
*You rolled over for the first time on your exact 4 month birthday (September 19th)from back to stomach. You have already been rolling over to your back when on your stomach. I strongly believe that is because your head is so big that when you move it to the side it brings your whole body with you :) but it is very exciting because now you can roll on either side.
*You are eating about every 3 hours. Still just nursing.
*You still sleep great and love having a bedtime of about 8 or 8:30 and sleep till about 6. You eat again and typically wake up anywhere between 9 or 10! (that is if we dont have anywhere to be in the morning)
*You are grabbing for toys and love holding on to them. You also love your hands. I so enjoy watching you discover them and what they can do. Your facial expressions are priceless.
*You are SO ALERT. Daddy calls you "nosey like mommy" Let me just tell you sweetie that is not a bad thing! It is good to know what is going on around you :) But I have to say you would not go asleep on the airplane until we covered your face with a blanket because you just had to see what was going on. I love you.
*You talk and talk and talk....I believe you are going to be very social
*You Love your brother and watch everything he does. HE also takes good care of you.

giving some attitude :)

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