Monday, December 7, 2009

Cali and Disneyland

This past weekend we went to california with Erics family. Brett got us all tickets to see The Princess and the Frog screening. It was really cute and I was so proud of Brayden for watching half of the movie before needing to leave. Mickey came to visit us before the movie began and all the disney princesses were waiting for all of us after the show. It was so cute to see all the little girls in their outfits meeting the princesses. It was so cute I cried. Can anyone say pregnancy hormones??!! They are out of control this time ;)Brayden even took part in meeting them and it was just as cute! He loved snow white :) and even got a kiss from her.... he then proceeded to go over to visit Bell. I think he enjoyed going up the steps more then wanting to see her because once we were ready to take a picture he wanted down so he could climb. My typical boy! (I wouldnt want it any other way though)

The next day we went to Disneyland. We went on some rides, but since we got there later and it was soooo busy we didnt go on many. When you have a little kid it is definitely necessary to spend 2 or 3 days there! But he loved the lights and its a small world. I have to say my favorite part was the fireworks display and snow at the end. It was so magical even I believed :)


Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

I love those pics!!!!! Did he love Disneyland?

The Fraley Family said...

He did! A small world was definitely his favorite because it went slow and he was able to look around. He didnt really care for the snow white one cause it would turn fast and sharp and he couldnt really focus on the stuff before he was facing another direction again. so we decided that next year he would like it better. And since it was christmas the lines were CrAzY!!!!!