Oh how I love you Blake! You have just been the sweetest baby of all time! You let your mommy sleep!! :) When I brought you home you would have your first run of sleep last 5 hours... now you are going 9 hours and sometimes more! It has been amazing. Brayden and I both appreciate it, because now Brayden doesnt have a zombie mommy anymore in the morning! lol Not only do you sleep so long, but you put yourself to sleep. After feedings I lay you in your bed awake. I turn the lights off and check on you 5 min later and you are out. You have been a very easy going baby.
You are 2 months now:
*You weighed 13 pounds 24 inches long and 16 inches head circumference at your doctors appt
*You got 4 shots, which you turned purple in the face and didnt breath for what seemed like 5 minutes! It was the saddest thing ever :(
*You love waking up in the morning talking away. I love hearing your coos
*You are becoming more alert, making more eye contact and smiling at people all the time
*You still eat 2 hours during the day, but I will take it cause you sleep SO LONG!
*You loved to get rocked to sleep when Brayden goes down for a nap. Mommy needs her cuddle time with her baby! :)
*Daddy, Mommy, and Brayden just love EVERYTHING about you! You are perfect!