Blake you are 3 months old!! Daddy, Brayden and I are just having so much fun with you. Everyday it seems like you grow... in size and development. You are such an easy going baby. Perfect I must admit. You smile all the time and love cooing. You are so aware that you following Brayden around the room with your eyes. I thank God everyday for blessing me with you! Here are a few things you are doing at 3 months.
* During the day you nurse every 3 hours.
* You are sleeping at night from 8:30 to 5:30. You have been starting to not want to go back to bed at 5:30. You are so happy that you just start cooing and smiling away at me. I love it, but I have to admit I need more sleep. When I get done feeding you Daddy's alarm clock goes off for him to get up and you join me in bed so I can get another hour and a half sleep before your brother wakes up.
* You are great at making eye contact, and love it when people pay attention to you, rewarding them with your sweet smiles.
* You talk up a storm. It is so precious to hear you little sounds
* You are so close to belly laughing. I get a little giggles here and there but no belly laugh yet... I know this will be very soon.
* You are doing awesome at tummy time. Your neck is getting so strong.
* The not so fun part you are still doing is spitting up... you stopped for 4 days and I thought you were done with it, but nope... sometimes you are a little fountain. Bibs are worn constantly by you as well as burb cloths :) But I still love you!!!
fascintated with the camera
Blake let me just tell you your brother LOVES you so much. Everyday inbetween playing he will come over and give you a kiss and make you smile. Before nap and bedtime he needs to say goodnight to you. He takes such good care of you. When you are crying he puts your paci in and when you spit up he wipes your face. I can not tell you how much love and happiness that comes over me when I see you guys together. Brayden is such a good big brother to you.
Blake looking at daddy, but love this of Brayden
now Brayden is looking at daddy and Blake is looking at the camera! :) oh well they are still so cute
Hugs for Blake!